Washington DC in the Trump Era. Tough for me...

The Tump Presidency, ah... where do I begin!  It would be sooo much nicer for me if we had a normal President, doing what normally president's do, without the craziness we're experiencing now.  Clearly there has never been a President who made all Americans happy, but under #45 we have reached a new level... or should I say low?

My favorite cartoon of the past couple of weeks. Taken from here
Some of #45's policies make sense to me, but as some of us have learned through working and living in society - "how" we do things matters almost as much as "what" we do. That is not working well for for #45. Hardly surprising: a 70 year old guy, successful in his previous pursuits where he created his own rules, gets a new job, in a new "industry" and we expect him to adjust to the norms???  I guess we can always hope...

Never in a million yeard did I think I'd say I was missing George W. Bush, but there you have it!

The famous American system of checks and balances is what I'm counting on. Fingers crossed that the design can hold up.  And the rest of the world?  Rather scary. There is nowhere to hide! We all have to Keep Calm and Carry On.

"Nevertheless, she persisted"

Signing off - in Washington, DC


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