It's been a few years since I last posted something here. I can't remember why I stopped. Not that I know exactly why I'm resuming other than the fact that I remembered that once upon a time I had a blog... Now everybody and their uncle has a blog so it makes even less sense. Whatever.

I'm happy to report that my life on Earth still doesn't really make sense to me and that's a good thing - stability you know. The last thing a borderline crazy bitch needs is to have an unstable situation. That can lead to explosive events, dramatic surges of energy, irrational reactions and end up in a total meltdown.

When I started this blog I was desperately looking for relief from current events. The US armed forces under the extraordinary leadership of George W. Bush and the neocons had just invaded Iraq and I was very angry and pissed off at the U.S. government, the U.S. journalists and all Americans in general for not doing enough to stop these bastards from going forward with the invasion. I could not believe it!

I'm originally from Poland and I remember when I was a student at Warsaw University in the early 80's how some of the journalists there tried to slip in information about what was really going on in the country. We did not have a democracy there at the time. Some of them risked their freedom and certainly their careers to do this. Some of them. Most journalists (at least the ones we saw and heard on a daily basis) had "sold out". It was clear that's what they did. It was a totalitarian system. We all made choices. I used to work as a translator for visiting foreign journalists and I often heard, especially from the Americans, that the press in the United States is free and this type of shit would never happen in America! I believed them. I thought the Polish journalists were spineless cowards for rolling over like that.

Zoom forward to the year 2002/2003: I'm living in the US and guess what? The ranks of journalists here are full of similar - hell no - WORSE types. And here we supposedly have freedom of speech and nobody should be afraid of losing their job for reporting facts. So, why weren't they digging up the info? Why didn't they report on those of us who were freezing our asses off on the National Mall, protesting against the buildup of troops obviously leading to an invasion of Iraq when the Iraqis were NOT to blame for 9/11. WHERE WERE THEY???? In my eyes they failed miserably.

It's 5 years later and I'm still wondering about this. Was it fear that paralyzed them into a zombie like state? Fear of losing their jobs? Fear of reprisals by the neocon community? Do they actually believe it's OK to lash out and kill other people in order to ward off the enemy, even if those other people are innocent? Does this mean an American life is worth more than - let's say - a Polish life? An Iraqi life? An Irish life? This is nuts. It's like fundamentalist Islam saying that in a court of law the testimony of two women is equal to that of one man. Are we heading back to the Stone Age already? Wow, that was fast! Gotta dust my club off, and pretend I'm a male. I'm guessing that as a female I would be relegated to breeding and cleaning up crap after whichever male decided to "take me". Considering my age today - I'd be left out in the woods to die!

I guess having a penis is indeed a special condition. You get to do stuff, like invade countries, rape, pillage. Cool shit, you know!



Dustin said…
Welcome back. As a new reader, I'll challenge you to keep up with the blog now!

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