Ouch, ouch, ouch!!! I can't drink large martini's - I get drunk! Stupid. Gotta use those smaller glasses.... However, the big martini's are very good for a Presidential address, when Bush is speaking to the nation. I start the speech with a sigh, trying not to notice the things that really annoy me about the president - I take a few sips of my dirty martini... by mid speech I'm getting very frustrated so I move to martini No. 2. Within a few sips, the president seems friendlier and occasionally makes a valid point. End of martinin No. 2 - he's OK. Alllrrright mayy be a littlee gooofie..y but hey, so was my best friend in high schoo...l. Oops, dropped an olive. Shit. The cat got it. Ah, who cares! My martini glass is empty and the president is lookin' and soundin' GRREAATT. Love ya, Prez! Pass me that gin bottle will 'ya? Hhm. Thanks.


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